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The Collection Part II

The Twelve Terrors of Christmas


The Twelve Terrors of Christmas

by John Updike
Illustrations/Photography by: Edward Gorey

Published in 2006 by Pomegranate Communications, Petaluma, CA
ISBN: 009780800000000
Edition: Pomegranate, Revised, 2006
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Fine
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: Fine
Comments: John Updike and Edward Gorey together in a work designed for the most cynical among us - or perhaps those just tired of the commercialization and over-hype of Christmas. In this miniature book, Updike provides priceless insights: on Santa - "funny rummy smell" and "there is a point where altruism becomes sick"; reindeer - "Fur possibly laden with disease-bearing ticks"; elves - "sweatshop conditions in what must be one of the gloomiest climates in the world." With Gorey's idiosyncratic illustrations on every page!

Seller Inventory #: 0000430
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