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The Collection Part II

The Velveteen Rabbit


The Velveteen Rabbit

by Margery Williams
Illustrations/Photography by: William Nicholson

Published by Delacorte Press, New York
ISBN: 0385077254
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: New; unread
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: New
Comments: This is a lovely edition of The Velveteen Rabbit, the beloved children's tale about a young boy's love for his toy rabbit. Published for the book's 75th anniversary, this is a reissue of the 1st edition, featuring the original text and illustrations. The dust jacket bears a gold sticker stating "Original Edition, 75th anniversary." The story and illustrations are as touching today as they were at the time of the book's publication in 1922.

Seller Inventory #: 0000393
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