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The Collection Part II

Inquieta Compania (original Spanish edition of "Disturbing Company")


Inquieta Compania (original Spanish edition of "Disturbing Company")

by Carlos Fuentes

Published in 2004 by Alfaguara, Mexico
Edition: First edition
Binding: Softcover with dust jacket
Condition: Very good. Text block is without markings. Soiled on edges. Small water stain in lower right, as shown in photos.
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: Very good.
Comments: First edition with scarce dust jacket. Fuentes, a Mexican author, was one of the best novelists of the twentieth century, and as such, he was internationally recognized and the recipient of many awards. This volume is a collection of six "Gothic" tales, or stories of the supernatural. This unusual binding format is a softcover with gateway folds, accompanied by a dust jacket, as issued.

Seller Inventory #: 0000421
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