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The Collection Part II

The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III


The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III

by Dows Dunham and William Kelly Simpson

Published in 1974 by Department of Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Boston
Edition: First edition.
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Fine. Faint discoloration of covers.
Comments: Fine. One of Boston's Museum of Fine Arts' excellent publications. Queen Mersyankh III was the daughter of Hetepheres II and Prince Kawab, and wife of King Khafre. (The name Mersyankh is often transcribed as "the Living One loves her," but now, the version Meresankh, "she loves life" has been almost universally adopted.) Her tomb was discovered in 1927 by George Reisner, with further excavations undertaken by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Harvard University. The Museum holds a statue from her tomb of Queen Hetepheres embracing her late daughter Meresankh. The first volume of the Giza Mastabas Series. Pristine throughout. Twenty plates, 14 figures, two multi-paged foldouts. No names or markings of any kind.

Seller Inventory #: 0000426
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