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The Collection Part II




by Michael Crichton

Published in 1996 by Alfred A. Knopf, New York
ISBN: 0679446486
Edition: First Trade Edition
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: New
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: New
Comments: Michael Crichton, famed for writing the novel Jurassic Park, writing and directing the movie Westworld, and creating the TV series ER, wrote this suspenseful thriller in 1996, at a time when the nation was captivated by the subject of aircraft safety due to the recent TWA Flight 800 crash, as well as other plane crash tragedies in the preceding decades. The novel begins aboard TPA Flight 545, which begins to abruptly malfunction, leaving passengers panicked. We are soon introduced to our protagonist, Casey Singleton - it is her job to investigate what happened aboard the aircraft, and why. The novel is extraordinarily well researched, providing accurate technical specifics of what could cause such an event. Christopher Lehmann-Haput for the New York Times wrote that Crichton "has taken on a complex subject in 'Airframe' and made its subtleties dramatically vivid." For fans of suspense or anyone interested in what creates a near-air disaster, this is a must-read. First trade edition.

Seller Inventory #: 0000364
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