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Vascular Medicine: Therapy and Practice

The Collection Part I

Vascular Medicine: Therapy and Practice

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Vascular Medicine: Therapy and Practice


by T. Cissarek, W.A. Gray, K. Kroger, F. Santosa, and T. Zeller, Editors

New, unopened, well illustrated text presenting the current state of diagnosis and treatment in every field of angiology. Approach is reflective of growing collaboration among surgeons, internists, and radiologists. Organized as Diseases of the Arteries, Diseases of the Veins, Inflammatory Vascular Diseases, and Congenital Vascular Diseases. See photos of back cover and table of contents for details and a sense of scope. Nearly 50 contributors, mostly German.

Published in 2011 by McGraw-Hill Medical, New York

Edition: First Edition

Binding: Hardcover

Condition: New

Comments: Note prices on Amazon today for a new copy are $77 - $115.

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