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Trout Quintet: Five Stories of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Fly Fishing

The Collection Part I

Trout Quintet: Five Stories of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Fly Fishing


Trout Quintet: Five Stories of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Fly Fishing


by Steve Raymond

For 60+ years, Steve Raymond has fished all over the world. Among several other books, he has written 10 non-fiction works on fly fishing. In this work of fiction, he entertains with five stories about fly fishing. (In his spare time, Raymond was editor and manager of The Seattle Times.)

Published in 2016 by Skyhorse Publishing, New York

Edition: First Edition

Binding: Hardcover

Condition: New

Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: new

Comments: This is a beautiful book, and it looks and feels much more expensive than it is. The cover feels amazing, to the touch, the paper quality is high, and the font size is excellent for reading. The publisher has done well by this author. Trout Quintet will make an excellent yet inexpensive gift for your favorite fisherman, or for any of the many fans of fly-fishing philosophy.

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