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The Collection Part I

Persuasion: The Cambridge Edition (Annotated)


Persuasion: The Cambridge Edition (Annotated)

by Jane Austen

Published in 2006 by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
ISBN: 0521824184
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Near fine due to small remainder mark on bottom.
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: Very good; shelf wear
Comments: The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen is the first fully annotated scholarly edition of Jane Austen's works.This edition of Persuasion includes a 62 page introduction detailing the historical, biographical, and literary context for the book, as well as 59 pages of notes to the text providing explanatory material. It also includes a 7 page chronology, and two appendices: "Cancelled chapters of Persuasion," featuring images of the original manuscript and a transcription; and "'Biographical Notice of the Author' by Henry Austen," a biography by Jane Austen's brother which appeared in the original publication of Persuasion. The wealth of material in these pages explain why Cambridge calls their collection "the definitive edition for the twenty-first century." The book also features an attractive cover with a gilt facsimile of Jane Austen's signature, and a ribbon bookmark.

Seller Inventory #: 0000304
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