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On Being Human

The Collection Part I

On Being Human

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On Being Human

by Woodrow Wilson
This essay first appeared in Atlantic Monthly in 1897, when Woodrow Wilson was still an economics professor at Princeton, before he became president of that university and well before he was elected President of the United States. In it, Wilson ponders what makes us human—humane—in a modern world that he calls “complex, confused, multifarious.” It reads like the kind of thing a professor would say to favorite undergraduates, ones he was trying to guide in life, not just teach an academic discipline. It also reads like a meditation as much as an essay or a lecture. Applewood Books has released it as a book unto itself, much as Harpers did in 1916. It’s a slim volume, only 32 pages, but handsome, with a blue leather cover with gold tooling on the front and silhouettes of Wilson inside. This would make a great stocking-stuffer for any young adult in your life.
Published in 1996 by Applewood Books, Bedford, MA
ISBN: 1557094403
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Fine

Seller Inventory #: 0000195
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