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Demystifying Psychiatry: A Resource for Patients and Families

The Collection Part I

Demystifying Psychiatry: A Resource for Patients and Families

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Demystifying Psychiatry: A Resource for Patients and Families


by Charles F. Zorumski and Eugene H. Rubin

Notable for its straightforward, understandable language, this text leads us directly into discussion and answers for the questions we all have as patients, families of patients, and aspiring medical students: What is psychiatry, warning signs, how are psychiatric disorders treated: basis principles, medications, psychotherapies, brain stimulation, consumer warnings, case examples, recent trends, and more. It informs on what therapies are evidenced based and those that are not. The "Take Home Messages" at the end of each chapter are a superb feature. Both authors are at Washington University, St. Louis, a distinguished institutional leader in current psychiatric methods and treatment.

Published in 2010 by Oxford University Press, Oxford

Edition: First Edition

Binding: Hardcover

Condition: New

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