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The Collection Part I

Coverts & Casts: Field Sports and Angling in Words and Pictures

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Coverts & Casts: Field Sports and Angling in Words and Pictures

by William J. Schaldach

Published in 1946 by A.S. Barnes and Company, Inc., New York
Edition: Second Printing
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: Good
Comments: One of a number of books on hunting and fishing published by William J. Schaldach between 1937 and 1972. The author's full color and black-and-white illustrations depicting wildlife and nature landscapes add immeasurably to the work. As noted by David M. Newell in the introduction, "Bill Schaldach is this rare combination of writer-artist-sportsman. Knowing the man himself for a quarter of a century helps me to understand why he is able to lift us right out of our surroundings and take us with him to the peaceful hills and streams. Bill Schaldach also loves these things." A beautiful gift book for the self-identified sportsman or any nature lover.

Seller Inventory #: 0000271
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