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The Collection Part I

Chinese Brush Painting: A Complete Painting Kit for Beginners

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Chinese Brush Painting: A Complete Painting Kit for Beginners

by Lucy Wang

Published in 2002 by Walter Foster, Laguna Hills
ISBN: 1560104481
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: New; unopened
Comments: This step-by-step project book by artist and teacher Lucy Wang, known for her TV series, "The Magic of Chinese Brush Painting," is accompanied by 6 colors of tube watercolor paints, 5 pan watercolor paints, 3 paintbrushes, 5 sheets of watercolor paper, an ink stick, ink stone, brush rest, and a gorgeous ceramic water dish. The project book covers basic techniques and how to paint specific animals and plants, such as roses and warblers. Excellent instructions and examples.

Seller Inventory #: 0000327
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