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The Collection Part I

Bay Area Gardening: Practical Essays by Master Gardeners

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Bay Area Gardening: Practical Essays by Master Gardeners

by Barbara J. Euser
Illustrations/Photography by: Maggie Agro

Published in 2002 by Writers Center of Marin, San Rafael
ISBN: 0971966605
Edition: First
Binding: Softcover
Condition: New
Comments: A collection of essays by the well-known Marin County Master Gardeners, featuring practical advice on how to maintain a garden in the Bay Area. Essays on topics ranging from "Good Bugs for Rose Pests" to "Drought Tolerant Ferns" to "Preparing the Garden for Winter," with each offering advice and guidance with a friendly and approachable style. An excellent resource.

Seller Inventory #: 0000316
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