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A.B.C. Book: Designed and cut on wood by C.B. Falls

The Collection Part I

A.B.C. Book: Designed and cut on wood by C.B. Falls

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A.B.C. Book: Designed and cut on wood by C.B. Falls


by C.B. Falls
Illustrations/Photography by: C.B. Falls
This is a special book. Graphic artist C.B. (Charles Buckles) Falls, particularly famous for his World War I poster art, created this book in 1923 for his daughter, and it has been in and out of print ever since. This particular copy is one of the last publications of Morrow Junior Books, one of the oldest imprints of children’s books that disappeared when it was subsumed into HarperCollins in 1999. However, parents and critics have known from the first that Falls had created something unique. His woodcuts use animals to represent the different letters of the alphabet, with bright blue, green, orange, and yellow backgrounds that were markedly different from other artists of his day, who tended to stick to dull earth tones. A true collector’s copy for those who appreciate either children’s books or early 20th-century graphic arts.

Published in 1998 by Morrow Junior Books, New York
ISBN: 0688147127
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Very good
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: Very Good
Comments: Both the book and the dust jacket are more aptly described as being in near fine condition.

Seller Inventory #: 0000168

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