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Where's the Shortage? A Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Economics


Where's the Shortage? A Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Economics

by Bob Tippee

Published in 1993 by PennWell Books, Tulsa, OK
Edition: First edition.
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Fine. Pristine text block, no markings of any kind. Small bit of shelfware on back cover. See photos.
Comments: Scarce in fine condition. The author demonstrates how to gauge the market from published data. Tippee asserts that the basics are not difficult, but discerning the crucial trends and connections can be challenging - and that insight is what he aspires to convey. Tippee is not targeting economists with this book, but rather oil industry technicians, managers, journalists, and other interested parties. He states that after reading his work, you will know where to look for information, how to read and interpret data, and "...converse with professional economists and still respect yourself in the morning." A worthy goal! See photos for a sampling of the contents.

Seller Inventory #: 0000443
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