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Embroidery of the Greek Islands and the Epirus Region: Harpies, Mermaids, and Tulips


Embroidery of the Greek Islands and the Epirus Region: Harpies, Mermaids, and Tulips

by Sumru Belger Krody

Published by Scala
ISBN: 1857594266
Binding: Softcover
Condition: New, still in shrink wrap.
Comments: New in shrink wrap. Examination of the intertwining of cultural and political history and design. Reflects the artistic traditions of Greece, Venice, and the Ottoman world. Textiles date from the early seventeenth century to the early nineteenth century and include bridal trousseaux and domestic embroidery. Elegant seasonal gift wrap at no cost to you, on request. We will inquire after your purchase.

Seller Inventory #: 0000409
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