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The Ship's Cat: The Adventures & Brave Deeds of the Ship's Cat on the Spanish Maine, Together With the Most Lamentable Loss of the Alcestis and Triumphant Firing of the Port of Chagres

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The Ship's Cat: The Adventures & Brave Deeds of the Ship's Cat on the Spanish Maine, Together With the Most Lamentable Loss of the Alcestis and Triumphant Firing of the Port of Chagres

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The Ship's Cat: The Adventures & Brave Deeds of the Ship's Cat on the Spanish Maine, Together With the Most Lamentable Loss of the Alcestis and Triumphant Firing of the Port of Chagres

by Richard Adams
Illustrations/Photography by: Alan Aldridge, Harry Willock

Published in 1977 by Alfred A. Knopf, New York
ISBN: 0394423348
Edition: First American edition
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: Near fine. Bit of shelfware back cover. See photos.
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket: Near fine, very minor shelfware. Complete, not price-clipped. See photos.
Comments: First American edition, near fine. The Ship's Cat was written by Richard Adams, author of the famous novel Watership Down. This delightful volume is a narrative poem about an anthropomorphic Elizabethan ship's cat - "...a swashbuckling crew member of the English privateer ship Alcestis." After an attack by Spanish seamen, the cat and crew are captured - and the adventure begins. Along the way, Ship's Cat encounters Sir Francis Drake, finds treasure, and makes his way home to the knighted by Queen Elizabeth 1! The illustrations are glorious - thirteen full-color, full-page illustrations of gallant ships and the pageantry of Elizabethan England.

Seller Inventory #: 0000439
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