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The Secret Garden

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The Secret Garden

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The Secret Garden

by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Illustrations/Photography by: Angela Barrett

Published in 1983 by Octopus Books, LTD, London
ISBN: 0862730619
Edition: Second impression, 1984
Binding: hardcover
Condition: Fine. Pristine.
Comments: Fine; rare in this condition for this edition with illustrations by the award-winning Angela Barrett. Many editions of The Secret Garden have been published, but this edition, featuring 14 full-color, full-page plates by Barrett, is exceptional. Barrett's illustrations are known and valued for her applied period research and rich detail, and unlike rather spare illustration styles in much of children's literature currently, Barrett's illustrations are layered, with a stillness and quiet atmospheric intensity. Examine the attached photos for a sense of the stunning illustration of this edition of the classic and beloved tale. Lovely gilt lettering on the illustrated front cover and on the decorative, patterned spine. Floral endpapers.

Seller Inventory #: 0000449
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