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Thorazine Brand of Chlorpromazine: A Reference Guide for Psychiatrists


Thorazine Brand of Chlorpromazine: A Reference Guide for Psychiatrists

by Smith Klein & French Laboratories

Published in 1987 by Smith Klein & French Laboratories, Philadelphia, PA
Binding: Softcover
Condition: Near fine; pristine text but some minor shelfware on covers.
Comments: History of pharmacology and antipsychotics. Until the 1950's, no effective drug therapy for mental illness existed. Chlorpromazine was synthesized in 1951, and its introduction transformed disturbed wards. Its commercial success stimulated the development of other psychotropic drugs. After the psychiatric establishment received CPZ, "for psychiatrists on the front line it was a miracle drug." This booklet covers the therapy associated with SmithKlein's formulation, Thorazine, as it was in the 1980's - its clinical pharmacology and details on seven clinical uses, such as schizophrenia, childhood psychosis, and manic-depressive psychosis.

Seller Inventory #: 0000420
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