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Anatomy of a Murder


Anatomy of a Murder

by Robert Traver
Illustrations/Photography by: William Cone

Published in 1988 by The Franklin Library, Franklin Center, PA
Edition: The Franklin Library
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: New. Pristine.
Comments: New, pristine, handsome leatherette-bound edition of this milestone mystery and court-room drama. An instant best-seller and notable critical success, Anatomy of a Murder transcended its origins as a novel - it was adapted for a stage play and was also the basis of Otto Preminger's classic movie starring James Stewart. Robert Traver was the pseudonym for John D. Voelker, a lawyer and Michigan Supreme Court judge. (Voelker was also a well-know fly fisherman and wrote five books in that genre.) With its primary focus on the courtroom, Traver's writing explores questions about the insanity defense and witness coaching, as well as the nature of justice and integrity. Very nicely-done blue leatherette, raised bands, 22k gold on cover lettering and borders, all edges gilt. Elegant gift wrap at no cost, on request. We will confirm preference after purchase.

Seller Inventory #: 0000432
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