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440-1 Stock.jpeg


by Robert Frost

Published in 1987 by The Franklin Library, Franklin Center, PA
Edition: First Edition, Limited Edition
Binding: Hardcover, leather
Condition: New.
Comments: New, leather bound limited edition in original shrink wrap and one of the series of Franklin Library Pulitzer Prize Classics; Frost won the Pulitzer for this particular collection in 1931. Frost, one of the foremost American poets, won four Pulitzer Prizes during his lifetime, and he received over 40 honorary degrees, including from Princeton, Oxford, and Cambridge. His writing is known for its rural New England settings, use of colloquial language, and focus on ordinary people. Franklin Library books such as this one were designed and bound by the Sloves Organization, affiliated with the Franklin Mint, "one of the few binderies focused solely on leather book binding." The Franklin Press no longer exists, and thus new leather bound volumes in original shrink wrap are somewhat difficult to find. Full leather binding, all edges gilt, gilt stamped covers and spine, and satin ribbon page marker.

Seller Inventory #: 0000440
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