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Murder Most Irish


Murder Most Irish

by Ed Gorman, Larry Segriff, Martin H. Greenberg, Editors

Published in 1996 by Barnes & Noble Books, New York
ISBN: 0760735581
Binding: Softcover
Condition: We will never give you a blanket, non-specific description of condition. Our copy is near fine, with a bit of shelf ware on the bottom front cover. The text block is clean, bright, and unblemished with no markings of any kind. See photos.
Comments: As Editor Gorman notes, "In this anthology, you'll see all the moods of Ireland on display." Seventeen tales of mystery and intrigue by such noted authors as Peter Tremayne, Edmund Crispin, Sean O'Faolain, and even James Joyce.

Seller Inventory #: 0000452
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