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The Maggid of Dubno and His Parables, Special Abridged Edition


The Maggid of Dubno and His Parables, Special Abridged Edition

by Benno Heinemann

Published in 1988 by Feldheim Publishers Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel
Edition: Seventh edition. NOT print on demand.
Binding: Softcover
Condition: New, unread, but some shelfware.
Dust Jacket included. Condition of Dust Jacket:
Comments: This edition uncommon in softcover. Jacob ben Wolf Kranz (1741-1804) was a Lithuanian itinerant preacher, famous for his parables designed to teach or illustrate lessons based on Jewish tradition. He was considered an "unrivaled preacher" and an eminent rabbinical scholar. All his works were published posthumously by Abraham Bar Flahm with permission from Kranz's son.
Signed Copy

Seller Inventory #: 0000425
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