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Born of a Woman

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Born of a Woman

by Etheridge Knight

Published in 1980 by Houghton Mifflin, Boston
ISBN: 039529200X
Edition: First edition
Binding: Softcover
Condition: New. The less-common trade paperback. Tight binding, unopened, unread. Small amount of shelf ware and a bit of faint foxing on upper edge. See photos.
Comments: Knight is a renowned poet in both mainstream American literature and the Black Arts Movement. His debut work was Poems from Prison in 1968. Born of a Woman is one of his later collections and includes work from Poems from Prison, Black Voices from Prison, and Belly Song and other Poems. Belly Song was nominated for both the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award. Dudley Randall, the founder of Broadside Press, visited Knight frequently in prison where he "...convinced a hesitant Knight of his talent." Please know that ours is an ethical business: we have acquired, evaluated, and researched every volume that we list. We have all of our listed books in our possession and ready to ship to you immediately in the highest quality shipping materials and boxes. We are not book jackers, and we do not sell to book jackers.

Seller Inventory #: 0000447
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