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An Alphabet of Old Friends and The Absurd ABC


An Alphabet of Old Friends and The Absurd ABC

by Walter Crane
Illustrations/Photography by: Walter Crane

Published in 1981 by The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Thames and Hudson, New York
Edition: First.
Condition: New, tight binding, unread.
Comments: Imagine a world with no children's books, but that was the state of affairs in the early 1800's. Walter Crane, an unknown 20-year-old artist, was pulled into the nascent business of children's book illustration and publishing shortly thereafter, and given his far-ranging talent and prolificacy, he is now considered "father of the children's illustrated book." The latter half of the 1800's became on of the most creative periods in the history of children's books, and Crane illustrated from the 1860's into the first decade of the 1900's. Crane was a prolific artist who also worked across multiple media, including murals, watercolors, stained glass, pottery, and textiles. This volume includes two of Crane's most popular works, reproduced from originals held at the Metropolitan Museum, New York. In full color and gold, the illustrations are striking. The first work, An Alphabet of Old Friends, includes 26 nursery rhymes, one paired with each letter of the alphabet. The second, The Absurd ABC, features illustrated scenes, again tied to letters of the alphabet. See photos for a sense of the rich illustration.

Seller Inventory #: 0000444
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