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What is Post-Modernism?


What is Post-Modernism?

by Charles Jencks

Published in 1989 by St. Martin's Press, New York, NY
ISBN: 0312039883
Edition: Third Edition
Binding: Softcover
Condition: New. Unread, pristine text and plates, front cover has a tiny bit of shelfware. See photos.
Comments: Uncommon in new condition. Charles Jencks, the "main definer of Post-Modern architecture," examines the concept apropos to arts and literature. Jencks draws the distinction between Late-Modern and Post-Modern. Sixty-eight pages, 70 illustrations, mostly in color. Includes a fascinating chart, "Evolutionary Tree of Post-Modern Architecture," depicting its six main traditions along a timeline between 1960-1980, with detail.

Seller Inventory #: 0000423
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