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We don’t sell many new books - sellers of new books are easy to find and their services are convenient. We prefer to offer to you quality books that no longer line the shelves of B&N, books that have stood the test of time, and lesser known gems that should not be forgotten.
But every once in awhile, we find a new book so extraordinary that we want to offer it. That is the case with award-winning The Essex Serpent. It spans genres, and it is utterly absorbing. Mystery, historical novel, and romance, with an underlying theme of natural history, it follows a recent widow who wants only to pursue her passion for fossils, as one of the many amateur naturalists of the late 19th century.
A Lesser-Known Work By One of the Greatest
This is the first entry of our website’s blog. On a periodic basis, we are planning to share some of our favorite books, books that we think you might enjoy. We hope you find this first discussion of interest!
For the mystery-lovers among us, this week we would like to discuss an early, lesser-known work of Josephine Tey’s, Miss Pym Disposes. Josephine Tey was among the greatest mystery writers of the Golden Age. In 1990, her novel A Daughter In Time was selected by the British Crime Writers' Association as "the greatest mystery of all time." It is puzzling that Scottish author Tey is not as well known as she should be; her writing is much better than Christie’s. Although the size of her body of work cannot compare to the scope of Christie’s, Tey left us some gems that many mystery fans would love to see more widely known and appreciated.